Play it forward

Rooftop shows done to raise funds for those in need during the #CovidSALockdown

Random Questions

with random guests, at random times

Keep an eye on Spotify and my Facebook page for previews and more information about my new album.


Don't panic buy - shop thoughtfully

Now more than ever, we need to look after each other. But some shoppers are still stockpiling unnecessarily, leaving empty shelves for others in need, and creating panic. We will stay open during the lockdown and continue to supply you with food and essentials. That’s why friends don’t let friends panic buy! Check out some of SA’s musos reminding you that no one likes ‘that guy’.

As the front man of South African band Just Jinjer, his indelible lyrics and melody arrangements led the way to the incredible success of their debut album title ‘All Comes Round’, becoming one of the biggest selling rock genre albums of all time in their native country of South Africa, achieving double platinum status in it’s first year, with the follow up album “Something for now” reaching the same status a year later …

Music Production Studio – Hout Bay, Cape Town

Introducing Empire Avenue Studio – Soon to be available for inspired use only.

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